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We're we are not aware of any type of surveillance

  • Jones recently discussed Spider-Man director Sam Raimi's version of a World of Warcraft movie, which he believes was plagued by an "fundamental" problem. He's also said that his World of Warcraft will deviate from the game's WOTLK Classic Gold history. Kazinsky, who's known as a World of Warcraft fan, stated that the changes were made "by people who are able to create a great film and tell a compelling tale."

    The release of new documents yesterday revealed that it was the United States National Security Agency has hacked into World of Warcraft to hunt terrorists, Jon Stewart used his fake news broadcast The Daily Show to take on the agency. He did this on the air last night, by interviewing "reporter" Aasif Mandvi, who posed as Greychalk, the dwarf Paladin in World of Warcraft .

    The segment's jokes involve Mandvi pretending not to be aware that some people pretend to be someone they're not on the internet.

    "The notion that players are signing up to World of Warcraft and then deceiving themselves is not possible. Yes. This place is all about trust. If we believed that people may not be who they claim they are, the entire world would be ripped to pieces," he said.

    Joking about American and British surveillance agents who created World of Warcraft characters to identify intelligence targets, Stewart said, "Well I suppose it makes some sense. I mean, how Islamic terrorists would like being confronted by"72 virgins."See the complete clip on the Comedy Central website.

    Stewart and co are, however, believed to be the butt of the joke. As some viewers have pointed out, Mandvi's costume is that of a night elf instead of one of the dwarfs. What's more the spellbar is designed for priests, not Paladins. He is also depicted as being in the wrong start zone.

    After the reports surfaced, World of Warcraft creator Blizzard Tainment said it had no idea that surveillance was in the making. If there was, it would have been conducted without the company's permission or knowledge, Blizzard said.

    [UPDATE"UPDATE" Microsoft has issued an update on the surveillance reports, and said that if there were any monitoring of Xbox Live, the company did not approve of it.

    "We're we are not aware of any type of surveillance. If it happened as it's reported, it was not with our approval," A Microsoft spokesperson confirmed.

    A Blizzard Tainment representative also released an updated statement on the issue. The statement is identical to cheap WOW WOTLK Classic Gold the one that was originally provided for The New York Times and The Guardian.